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The D.A.E.R! Success Factor

How does it work?



D.A.E.R! came from realising that every successful professional and business i worked with had 4 things in common

  1.  there was a clear DIRECTION. This might  range from personal goals, to career goals, to a personal brand , to a business vision. The common element here is that everyone is heading the same way with the same intent

  2.  Effort had been put into building ALIGNMENT.  This includes aligning actions, time allocation, KPIs, reward and recognition and even learning. I liken it to using a magnet to align iron filings

  3. Strategies were in place to build and sustain ENGAGEMENT.  This is what keeps people passionate and resilient to maintain true to the DIRECTION. This applies equally to ourselves as well as all stakeholders; clients, staff, suppliers, family etc.

  4.  There is a clear understanding of the RESULTS being aimed for. These are the KPIs which not only help us recognise success but help us to control our world - personal and professional and help mark the milestones and small wins.


Are these in place for you in every aspect of your world?




Is this just another formula?

NO!!!! Every journey with every client is unique because no 2 people, no 2 businesses and no 2 staff are the same. DAER is merely a starting point to give us focus and make sure we touch on critical success factors


Can I apply DAER to getting my personal life under control?

Absolutely. the amazing thing about the D.A.E.R! approach is that it works on an individual level right up to a large multinational. Think of setting your New Year's Resolutions and see how it might apply


How does this help to increase performance from my team?

Research has shown that what keeps people loyal and delivering above and beyond are the same 4 elements. They need to have a purpose [DIRECTION]. They need clear outlines of how the work they are doing is contributing to this,[ALIGNMENT],  they need to be valued and supported [building ENGAGEMENT] and they need to know how their performance is being measured [RESULTS]


We are about to do our business planning. How can applying D.A.E.R help us?


It is a great platform for building a business plan or even a strategic plan. Use it to ask yourselves questions e.g. using DIRECTION : what is our direction? what does it look like? is this a short or long term journey? What will be its key feaures? etc.

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