DARE to D.A.E.R!
Could your business be performing better?
Are YOU a realist?
Are you a small or medium business owner who just knows , no matter how good things are now, they could always be better?
Are you sure you are managing your business as efficiently and effectively as is possible?
Are you the CEO / Executive of a larger enterprise who needs a facilitator to help your team develop a truly powerful strategic plan?

Want to take the performance of your business to the next level?
One of the biggest challenges for small business owners is finding the time to work ON their business, not merely IN it. Cash flow will always be critical and to find the time to do all the planning, strategising, system reviews, etc often seems just too hard. This is where a Business Coach is invaluable.
When i work with my clients on their businessess, my primary focus is listening.. I need to understand your dreams, goals, challenges - your business story - so together we can develop the most effective strategies to take your business to the next level. I will NEVER just sell you a solution. Everything we do together will be tailored to your unique business story.
Following a few of the strategy areas we can work on together.
Business Environment Analysis
Using a copyrighted tool "DAERing Scan we will explore all the drivers which will inform your business decisions. We will analyse your customers, competitors, sociological , technological and economic environments and a range of other drivers relevant to YOUR business
Control the clock!
Do you have daily to do lists that synch with your diary and are a direct cascade from your operational plan? No?
Then we can devise a range of simple tools and processes to simplify this and help you get back control of your time and work flow.
Cure your SPOTS! [business planning that is relevant, realistic and reviewed]
Do you think you have a business plan which meets your needs?
Then let's do a little check! click on the picture below then complete the short plan checkup.
So, what was your score? Would you like a little help?
Together we can develop a business plan which is not just words but a true road map of where you want to take your business and how to get there.
Would you like those 5 tips the check up mentions?

Need a facilitator for your enterprise's strategic planning?
Why go to the expense of using an external facilitator?
An outside facilitator for Strategic Planning maintains a climate of openess and participation -- minimizing personality and departmental differences and encouraging opinions that differ from the leader's.
In addition, the facilitator should bring personal experience as a Strategic Planner in business operations and strategy and supply a source of insights and new perspectives to your team. She should also be able to bring a range of tool and processes and examples, ideas from a range of organisations to share to provoke thought.
Here is how a CEO of a large organisation felt about the ROI of using Dulise as a facilitator [name and organisation withheld to protect client confidentaility]
"The strategic planning facilitation is a key ROI segment for me. You manage these sessions in a manner that I can not and hence produce a clear outcome that is understood by all. You also drive action steps and outcomes which is the major deliverable. If one looks back over the past three years and the key developments at [org x]) …it was all divined in the Enterprise Strat Plan. That's pretty cool ! "